The bar chart shows average weekly spending by households in different areas of England between 2007 and 2009.
Households in the south of the country spent more on average than those in the north. Average weekly spending by households was highest in London and lowest in the North East.
English households spent on average around £470 per week. The average expenditure for households in London was about £560 per week, almost £100 more than the overall figure for England. Households in the South East, East and South West also spent more than the national average. Weekly household spending figures for those three regions were approximately £520, £490 and £480 respectively.
Similar levels of household spending were seen in the West Midlands, the North West and the East Midlands, at about £430 to £450 per week. In the region of Yorkshire and the Humber, households spent approximately £400 per week, while expenditure in the North East was around £10 per week lower than this. It is noticeable that average weekly expenditure by households in the North East was around £80 less than the national average, and around £170 less than the London average.