With growing population and scarcity of land in urban areas, people are often seen considering their homes to be built in the countryside. Anyhow, some believe that countryside should not be modernised by building new communities. Housing is a basic requirement and I think people should be allowed to reside in the countryside while taking care of it.

Primarily, there is not enough land available in many places to build residential complexes for people. Furthermore, avoiding this fact and making congested arrangements would lead to problems such as increased pollution and lack of space. There are barren lands available in the countryside where there will not be a crop yield. These places could be turned into suburbs where people can live peacefully. Besides, living in the country is advantageous to individuals in terms of health as the level of pollution is less. Moreover, this relieves the city from having to build crammed places to accommodate more people. Migrating to countryside could benefit the local people too. With more houses in the area, there would be more facilities such as hospitals and libraries. 

On the other hand, some people believe that with new constructions, countryside’s beauty is deranged. It is true that new residences bring in quite a change, but this could be controlled by laying down proper rules. In addition, there should not be unnecessary construction of fancy buildings such as shopping malls. Local stores should be encouraged to keep the country environment intact.

To conclude, I think a strict plan should be in place to provide people residence while conserving the setting of countryside. This way, people can have a peaceful life and the countryside, its beauty.