It is widely argued by some people that having house and workplace clean with everything organized is absolutely crucial. I completely agree with this view as this creates a positive impact on people’s life.

Keeping home and office tidy plays a vital role in maintaining the health of a person and helps them concentrate on their work more. When things are cluttered, it is not feasible to find something when it is most needed. For instance, muddled set of documents stored in workplace can cause commotion when trying to find one important report that is due to be submitted on a given day.  Additionally, being organized creates space to house extra articles like plants to decorate a room or desk. Neatly arranged plants in such areas aid in purifying the air one breathes and acts aesthetically pleasing to be seated around.

Furthermore, ill maintenance of commonly used areas effects the health of an individual. One of the main purposes of cleaning areas is to get rid of harmful bacteria. Thus, living in a tidy home and working in an orderly office prevents bacterial infections and brings about a positive impact. Some famous psychologists also suggest that keeping one’s home clean helps in significant personality development and such people also help others become better. Therefore, to bring positive changes to themselves and their society, people should make sure to keep their surroundings tidy and not litter.

In conclusion, I believe that maintaining a structured living and working space creates a productive as well as disease free environment. It is always an advantage to be well kept for a better lifestyle.