Describe a country where you would like to work for a short time.
  • Where you would like to work?

  • What kind of job would it be?

  • When would you like to go?

  • Why you want to work there?

Working in a different country, I believe, changes the life of an individual for good. If I were given a choice, I would opt for Japan.

One of the main reasons why I would be excited to go there is it’s known for job opportunities. Well, before I delve deeper I would like to say that Japan is one of the foremost technologically advanced countries in the world. It is one of the second largest “developed economy” and one of the most industrialized nations in the world. I would like to work in the information technology sector as this great country has apparently grown tremendously in the IT sector over the last few decades. In fact, Japanese companies are trying different strategies to woo foreign workers. So, if I ever get an opportunity to work in Japan, I would like to go for it. I have been trying to get a job offer in Japan and if I am successful, I would gladly join anytime.

Japan also has a very good working culture, where everybody treats each other with great respect. This work experience will give me great exposure to the latest developments in my field, and I will be able to use it to better my career prospects after coming back to work in my own country. Finally, I would like to work in this great country because they have a very high salary structure too. A couple of my colleagues have moved to Japan and I have been in touch with them. They share their learning experiences with me and this has motivated me further.



  1. Delve- dig deeper
  2. Woo- try to impress 
  3. Apparently-evidently
  4. Exposure- the fact of experiencing something or being affected by it because of being in a particular situation or place.

Part 3 Follow Up - Questions & Answers

1. What kinds of jobs are easy to get to a foreign country?

While almost all types of jobs are available for international workers, I would say the most sought after professionals are from the Information Technology sector. The number of job opportunities are growing by the day and these professionals can easily get a job in any countries.

2. Should young adults work abroad?

Youngsters, in my perspective, should definitely go for it as it enables them to make new friendships, they can travel cheaper, know a different culture, have a new perspective on their own country and also take a break from their unusual routine.

3. If they do not work abroad, would it help them travel to a foreign country?

Of course, it would help them a lot. A person can gain the same advantages by preferring to just travel abroad to other countries and not work there. Not everyone gets an opportunity to work overseas. Travelling abroad has numerous benefits as it exposes us to a new culture, language and experiences.

4. Do Indian parents encourage their children to work abroad?

In the past few decades, the notion that studying abroad can boost career prospects, making it an invaluable experience is catching up with Indian parents. I feel that this is becoming a trend nowadays.

5. If you had an opportunity to live abroad, which country would you like to settle down in?

As I said earlier, I would definitely prefer Japan to any other country to not only work but also to settle there as it offers a lot of advantages to IT professionals like me. The job opportunities are numerous and working in this country will enable me to develop my skills by learning the advancements in technology. I love their work culture and discipline, hence would prefer to settle there too, if I get an opportunity.