There are many skills such as driving and dancing that I have learned in my life. I would like to talk about one new skill that I am keen on learning is cooking. I do know how to make a sandwich and an omelette but I was never able to cook proper meals. I am used to eating outside a lot which proved to be not that healthy for me. So, I want to enhance my cooking skills and cook various cuisines at home.
I would start to learn cooking by first taking tips from my mother and YouTube channels. Nowadays, videos explaining how to cook a dish in detail are available copiously on the internet. In addition, there are institutes that teach cooking to beginners starting from the basics to professional level. I will join one of those institutes and learn from scratch. Once I get a grip on it, I would like to experiment with various items and recipes to create my own style of dishes.
I feel that cooking is not only a life skill but also a kind of art form that represents regional culture. I have always wanted to learn it but I feared I would just ruin the food items. Although I am sceptical about my culinary skills, I think it is good that I finally decided to learn it. I would love to explore the cuisines of the world as much as I can and learn new dishes going forward.
- Keen – having eagerness
- Enhance – develop, improve
- Copiously – in large quantities
- Sceptical – having doubts
Part 3 Follow Up - Questions & Answers
1. What age will make it difficult for a person to learn a skill?
I don’t think age is a limitation to learning anything. A person can learn a skill at any point in their life if they have adequate interest and resources. Recently, I taught my grandmother how to use a smartphone and to my surprise, she learned pretty quickly. Now, she is better than my mother at using various features of a smartphone.
2. Who do people usually learn a skill from?
Well, people learn educational skills from their teachers in school or college. In addition, they learn procreational skills from their parents and friends. Special skills like singing, dancing and painting are learned from professionals in their respective fields.
3. What’s the difference between children learning what they like and learning what they have to learn?
Kids learn something that they like at a faster pace than something they don’t. When they are forced to learn, they do it only for the sake of doing it but not really learn anything at all. It is good if children are given freedom to choose what they like to learn from a young age as this helps them explore various subjects.
4. Do you like to learn new skills constantly?
Yes, I like exploring new things to learn quite frequently. I feel it is challenging to take up something new and work hard to master it. It gives me a sense of satisfaction and happiness once I am able to use it in my life. Furthermore, I can also teach the same to others when required.
5. What’s the most difficult thing for learning?
I believe difficulty is subjective. I found Math difficult in school as it was uninteresting to me while it was the easiest subject for some of my friends. Likewise, it depends on the individual and their interest levels to learn something. Some things might seem difficult, but if someone is keen on mastering it, they will do so.