IELTS Speaking Cue Card
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Describe a piece of equipment that is important in your home
How you got it (or, who, bought it)?
What you use it for?
How often you use it?
And explain why you think this thing is useful
I have to say my household is not the most updated with latest technological appliances as we still use age-old electronic items which are on the brink of becoming faulty. One such equipment we have is the television set which is about 10 years old now. There are numerous instances when it broke, but it was always restored by some expert repairman.
It is the first colour TV that my father bought for us when I was just 11 years old. We were over the moon to have a TV at home which had cable. We could stream various channels showing daily soaps, kids shows, movies every single day. Although, we had limited time to watch TV, now we often have fun watching latest shows and soaps on it as it gives a nostalgic feeling.
My mother watches soaps daily on the TV and I have to say, she absolutely loves it. She is the only one that surely switches it on daily to watch something while I use my computer to watch movies. I believe we are the only ones to still have such an old model television set and also use it daily.
Sometimes I like having my computer to just myself and our TV keeps my mother busy and not bother me with her chatter about the characters on daily soaps. It is a great way to let her have some fun while I have some privacy. Last month, we did buy a smart TV but my mom is fond of the old TV very much; so, she refused to throw it away and happily uses it.
- Faulty - not working correctly
- Over the moon – very happy
- Fond - having an affection for
Part 3 Follow Up - Questions & Answers
1. How do you think modern technology has changed the way we work (compared to the past)?
Modern technology has revolutionised the way people work around the world. A lot of manual work has now been replaced by machines thus making things faster and improving productivity. In addition, the development and maintenance of such new age products and technology has produced numerous employment opportunities for people.
2. Do you think that operating equipment at work can ever have some bad effect on the body?
Yes. Operating certain kinds of equipment can have an adverse effect, especially if the someone is not trained to handle that equipment properly and if proper work safety guidelines are not maintained. Operating heavy machinery can damage the physical strength of a worker and likewise, working with engines or similar machines which emit smoke, affects the respiratory system of workers.
3. Do you think it’s important for employees (in-industry) to be trained to use the equipment at work?
Absolutely, is always advised to train personnel to follow safety guidelines while at work. The best approach is to assume that accidents are bound to happen and people can be injured or worse, lose their lives if machines malfunction and design guidelines and safety measures accordingly.
4. Do you agree that older people have difficulties using (advanced) modern equipment? How can we help elderly people to use these modern devices?
I don’t think older people are as tech savvy as younger generations. However, they are always up for getting to know new things as they are quick at grasping something new. We can help them use modern devices by guiding them through various tasks that can be done using them and helping them by showing them how to operate them.