IELTS Speaking Cue Card
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Describe a thing you cannot live without(not a mobile or computer)
What is it?
How long have you had it for?
Why cannot you live without it?
Explain how you felt when you were without it
People are attached to various things and eventually, the absence of such things would make them feel like they are missing something important. For me, the pocket watch that my father gave to me is the closest to my heart, without which I cannot imagine a day in my life.
When I got into my dream college, my father presented me with the watch that I have revered since childhood. It is an old school kind of pocket watch that has a big white dial and a chain attached to it. It belonged to my grandfather who used to carry it with him back in the 1980’s. He passed it down to my father when he was young and now it’s my turn to carry it. I have had it for about four years now and I never leave home without it in my pocket.
My father gifting me that watch not only made me happy but it also felt like an accomplishment. I could see the pride in his eyes when he gave it to me and I am glad to have not just a watch but a reminiscence of generations with me. It is a memorable souvenir of my family that I always have with me so I cannot imagine losing it ever.
As far as I could remember, there was only one time when I left it at home while I was returning to my college hostel. I had to spend a month without it and I felt woeful. The watch made me miss my family less when I had it with me in my room but without it, the days felt longer and I missed having it in my pocket. After that, I always make sure I have it with me. Furthermore, having it also makes me look stylish, so I love it even more.
- Revere - have deep respect and admiration for
- Reminiscence - memories
- Souvenir - a thing that is kept as a reminder of a person, place, or event
- Woeful - very sad
Part 3 Follow Up - Questions & Answers
1. Why are children attracted to new things?
Children have a lot more curiosity than adults, so they are easily attracted to new things. They tend to hold new electronics and toys to use them and discover how they work. Nowadays, even adults are attracted to new gadgets available in the market as some of them are highly user friendly and good for entertainment purposes.
2. Why do some grownups hate to throw out some old things?
When it comes to old things such as childhood toys and clothes, adults have a kind of emotional connection with them. They take them back to their childhood times and give them a nostalgic feeling. I still have my toys and prizes I won in school with me because they hold a special place in my heart. They take me back to some fond moments whenever I look at them.
3. Is the way people buy things affected? How?
In the old days, people used to purchase things from stores in the local market. Nowadays, people buy from many online stores that offer discounts and also, they can comfortably buy from their home, saving them travel times. In addition, there are shopping malls in every city where all essential things are available at a single place.
4. What do you think influences people to buy new things?
When people look at someone using an attractive new gadget or any device, they tend to purchase one for themselves. Besides, companies offer some attractive benefits and discounts to people making them try new things.