Describe a time when your computer broke down
  • When it was?

  • What you were doing?

  • What you did about it?

  • And how you felt about it?

I am a software professional and my job involves working on my computer throughout the day. My computer works fine but last month it broke down abruptly. The problem started with just one of the keys on the keypad not working properly. I tried to get it working by making some updates to the system but to my dismay, it only got worse. An hour later, the computer completely shut down to the point of no return even after trying to force restart it.

I was working on a crucial task at the time where I had to deploy some updates to a website used for making online payments. I had some unsaved work for which I felt exasperated as well as helpless because there was no going back. I made a mental note to auto save my work so, if this ever happened again, I could go back where I left off easily. 

I decided to try my luck and see if I could get the computer started on my own. When the keys stopped functioning, I restarted the machine, installed some software updates but that proved to be bootless. I then checked with helpdesk support of my company to see if they had a solution to my problem when my computer stopped working entirely. So, I called them on my mobile phone and they later came to pick the machine up to take to the office and work on the repairs.

I was disappointed to see my day’s work go up in smoke but there was only so much I could do about it. It was a tough lesson for me as I had to learn it the hard way. Anyway, once the machine was delivered back to me, I was happy to restart my work and see it to its completion.


  1. Abruptly – unexpectedly
  2. Dismay – distress caused by something unexpected
  3. Exasperated – irritated
  4. Bootless – useless
  5. Go up in smoke – come to nothing

Part 3 Follow Up - Questions & Answers

1. What do people use computers for?

The uses of computers are endless. In recent times, a lot jobs demand knowledge in computer technologies and various tools on computer. People also use them to play games, browse social platforms such as YouTube and Instagram, watch movies and attend study sessions.

2. Should students be allowed to use computers at school?

Yes, I strongly believe that allowing students to use a computer enables them to be well versed with some much-needed computer tools and basic technologies. Besides, computer graphics and presentations help students understand concepts of subjects better. Computers are a knowledge repository and making use of them would be highly beneficial to students.

3. What do you think of people who are addicted to computers?

Many people constantly use a computer as part of their routine, but it does not mean that they are addicted to it. I think people need a driving force to achieve their goals which sometimes revolve around the usage of computers. It is a necessity more than an addiction as it is important to have a computers to learn and communicate with others.

4. Do you think computers make our life simpler or more complex?

I believe that computers make life simpler but over usage has resulted in some complexities. Nowadays people look for quick solutions and everything readily available which makes them rely on computers to achieve multiple things while it may not be possible to have all things needed at their disposal. As a result, frustration grows and people make their own lives complicated by having over expectations.