Describe an occasion when you wasted your time
  • When it was?

  • Where you were?

  • What you did?

  • And explain why you think it was a waste of time?

People usually like to make the best use of the time they have. I manage my time adeptly yet there were times when I wasted precious time and missed out on opportunities. When I was in high school, I decided to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Civil engineering, however I was too late to apply for colleges as I was busy attending a short-term course on cooking Mexican food for a month which I thought would help my part time job during the summer of 2016.

It was my senior year in high school, and I thought part time work warrant me to earn some money to save up on college tuition. I was in Toronto at the time where my friend’s uncle had a fast-food restaurant. I was working there as a waiter for the for the first few weeks and thought about becoming an assistant cook as that role pays more. So, I registered for a course to gain a certificate to show my boss who was willing to let me work as a chef if I had it. A week later, he had to travel to Brazil to support his family in an emergency and dolorously, I was out of job. I spent a month learning a course that proved to be useless quickly. 

I realised I could have used that time to work on my college applications and amplify my social skills. I regretted not planning my schedule ahead but there was nothing I could do. Anyway, it taught me a valuable lesson making me become a more organised person now.


  1. Adeptly – in a skillful manner
  2. Warrant – necessitate 
  3. Dolorously – causing distress
  4. Amplify – enhance

Part 3 Follow Up - Questions & Answers

1. How can we avoid wasting time?

Planning your day with a schedule of things that are to be completed in a day helps steer clear of wasting time. Maintaining a timetable keeps track of the activities on a daily basis which lets a person use their time wisely.

2. Is time management important?

Yes, time management is vital for everyone as time once wasted is gone forever. Managing time productively results in a profitable situation. It is best proved at workplaces where employees receive incentives for timely completion of their targets.

3. Should parents help children manage their time?

Yes, kids should be guided by their parents in regulating their time. Children can be clumsy at times and often forget to do their work; so, it is essential for their parents to help out in such situations by making a timetable which helps them keep track of their activities.

4. Do you think relaxing is a waste of time?

No, I believe relaxing is one of the most important things to preserve our health physically and mentally. It can be achieved just by taking a nap, reading a book, or watching a sports channel. It depends on the individual to choose a way to relax and not work overtime.