Describe something healthy you enjoy doing
  • what you do?

  • where you do it?

  • who you do it with?

  • and explain why you think that doing this is healthy

I often run and include green salads in my diet but my favourite activity is going out for a 7 km walk daily during the early hours of the day or in the evening. I sit in front of my computer for most of the day as I am software professional and need some physical activity to keep myself healthy and active. Walking is the best option for me because I can go anytime I want and I don’t have to deal with weights or equipment.

Usually, I wake up at 6 am in the morning and go for a walk for an hour or so. I am a morning person so it is an advantage. I visit the neighbourhood or go to the beach to get some fresh air and enjoy my walk. It gives a boost of energy and helps clear my mind so I go alone mostly unless someone insists on tagging along. Morning walks put me in a refreshed mood before I start the day. 

It is of utmost importance that one maintains a healthy habit. Often we all delay having our meals on time and get little to no exercise which leads to many health issues and not many people like going to a gym. This is exactly why; walking is the best way to feel rejuvenated and is advised to be done for at least four days in a week. It helps release tension and stretch muscles a bit. In addition, I make sure to drink juice or coconut water every day after breakfast.

Overall, it is a great way to be in shape and stay healthy. Also, I noticed that I stay invigorated throughout the day when I finish my morning walks. 



  1. Insist - persist 
  2. Rejuvenated - refreshed
  3. Invigorated - energised

Part 3 Follow Up - Questions & Answers

1. What sports do you play?

I love playing basket ball, which is my favourite. I love playing it as it’s a team sport. When I play it especially in a competition, the people playing with me are just an extension of the game and all I have to focus on is my performance.

2. What is the most popular sport in your country?

Cricket is the most popular sport in my country. It is not merely a sport but it has attained the status of a religion. It is that one single thing that can bond the entire nation together.

3. What is the most popular form of exercise in your country?

Most of the people prefer to have their own choice of exercise. Jogging and walking though seem to be the favourite of a vast majority. People living in cities prefer to take long walks or jog in the community parks which have a designated area for joggers.

4. Do you think people in your country are less healthy than they used to be?

No, rather people are growing more health conscious. This can be attributed to the immense social media influence wherein influencers rule the psyche of their connections. Staying healthy and fit has become the thumb rule for the youth and also for the middle aged.

5. How can we encourage young people to stay healthy?

I strongly believe that educating the young people right from school about the benefits of health and a fit lifestyle will make the entire nation healthy. Children should be encouraged to participate in team sports at school. Physical education should be a mandatory part of the curriculum.

6. Should governments intervene to force people to be healthier?

Yes its of great importance that the Governments should take the responsibility of ensuring health of its citizens. If majority of any nation’s people are unhealthy, it imposes a burden on the economy. As such, it’s the duty of any Government to educate people on health. If force is needed then certain healthy restrictions need to be made mandatory. For instance , tobacco and its products need to be either taxed heavily or banned.